
I started this blog to encourage people struggling with disabilities and/or depression. I want the people reading this to feel like they aren't alone. That there are people that understand You. I am struggling too, I want us to grow together. I will never claim to be perfect. I'm not called to be perfect. I'm called to be imperfect, help/love people, and always try to be better than I was yesterday. I'm always going to be honest and real here. I haven't posted in awhile, because I have been struggling hard with depression. I've listened to the enemy's lies telling me I'm not good enough. That I won't help anyone. That no one will even read what I write. That I'm not in a position to pull people closer to God through this blog. As I've said in previous posts I felt very led by God to do this. I felt like I had argued with Him about this for a long time. I would repeat all the lies the devil has told me. I can't do ...